The Place - It is famous for the oldest University in world. It was created by Emperor Ashoka at Third Century B. C. 600 years later during the rule of Gupta Dynasty, Nalanda became world's one of the best University. At that time Buddhism, Literature, Veda, Astrology, Ayurveda, etc. were taught free of cost. Students used to come from every part of the world. At 637 A. C. Hieun tsang came here and studied for 5 years. Accordingly to Hieun tsang, at that time 10,000 students and 2,000 teachers were there at Nalanda.
State - Bihar
Season - Through out the year
Other Watchables - Archeological Museum
Art Gallery
Hieunt sang Memorial Hall
Buddhist Research Center
Nearest Railway Station - Nalanda
Nearest Airport - Patna
Distance - Patna - 89 Kms